Life Coaching

Go as far as you can see,

When you get there,

You can see how to go further…

What is Life Coaching?

The term “Life Coach” is a relatively recent addition to job titles. Life coaches, also known as motivational coaches or wellness coaches, support individuals in progressing towards greater fulfillment in their lives. They assist in enhancing relationships, advancing careers, and improving day-to-day experiences.

Their primary aim is to help clients clarify their goals, pinpoint obstacles, provide tools, develop skills, and devise strategies for overcoming challenges. By assessing each individual’s unique strengths, skills, and gifts, life coaches tailor strategies to tackle obstacles effectively. Ultimately, this collaborative process brings out the best in each person.

How can a Life Coach help?

MS Life Coaching specializes in empowering individuals, particularly in sports and business, by equipping them with tools and mindset strategies to gain a competitive edge. Offering fresh perspectives on situations can often yield significant outcomes. Leveraging the Laws of the Universe and higher faculties can profoundly enhance success.

Having a coach who holds you accountable and provides encouragement is invaluable. Understanding both your current position and desired destination is essential. With clarity on both fronts, a solid plan can be crafted and action steps taken.


My Story

  People often ask how I got into Life Coaching. I have decided to share my story in below. 

Maja Serve MS Lifecoaching

Early Years...

I was fortunate to grow up in a family that instilled in me a passion for learning and striving for more. However, I faced two challenges that could have derailed many. Firstly, I couldn’t sit still for long periods. The first note I brought home from school urged my parents to teach me to sit still for more than five minutes. While I wasn’t misbehaving, my constant movement was disruptive. In today’s terms, I might have been diagnosed with ADHD.

The second challenge emerged soon after: dyslexia. Despite these obstacles, my parents cultivated my love for books, reading, and learning. They taught me to turn apparent disadvantages into strengths. This lesson has become a fundamental part of who I am.

Using the Skills Learned...

My parents and grandparents instilled in me the art of rapid learning—a skill I’ve applied across numerous passions. Its true test came when I applied it to learning dance. Starting in 1980, I delved into social and competitive dancing, retiring as a world finalist in the professional ranks by 1992.

In 2008, I challenged myself again by obtaining certification as a Life Coach. Today, I apply this skill on multiple fronts: pursuing a contractor’s license and mastering website creation. Some might label my diverse interests as a lack of focus, but I see it as turning a perceived weakness into strength. I’m grateful to share this ability to learn quickly with many students.

Moving to the United States and meeting Bob Proctor

Upon moving to the United States, I noticed that many of my students weren’t grasping concepts as quickly as I had hoped. I attempted to impart the rapid learning skill I had acquired as a child, but progress remained slow. Then, in 1999, a friend introduced me to Bob Proctor, setting off a lifelong journey of learning.

Working with Bob was transformative. He revealed that I was an unconscious competent, unable to effectively share my knowledge until I became a conscious competent. Bob’s teachings illuminated the workings of the mind, enhancing my abilities as a teacher. In 2008, I earned certification as a Life Coach under Bob Proctor.

Applying his principles, I witnessed remarkable progress among my students. It was immensely gratifying to see them advance rapidly, with some seemingly emerging out of nowhere overnight.

Taking Bob's Teachings Outside of the Danceworld...

Teaching children...

In 2008, I was approached to assist children labeled with ADHD who were struggling in school. It was remarkable to witness how Bob’s teachings proved equally beneficial to these incredible children as they had been to my dance students. Today, many of them have attained high levels of education and lead successful lives.

Teaching adults...

Teaching children was both enjoyable and challenging, as their minds were like open cups, ready to absorb new ideas. However, I was uncertain how Bob’s teachings would resonate with adults who already had a cup full of ingrained programming. Much to my surprise, his teachings proved just as effective with adults as they had been with children.

Witnessing students change their life trajectory and embark on a new path towards a better life was truly miraculous. I am forever thankful for all the lessons Bob imparted to me, and I am committed to honoring him by sharing his teachings with the world.


Bob Proctor Training

Life Coaching training with Bob Proctor

Life Coaching training with Bob Proctor

The late 1990s marked a profound period of loss for me. In 1996, my brother passed away, followed by the loss of Benny Tolmeyer, my dance mentor and father figure, in 1997, and then my father in 1998. Bereft of my male mentors, I was seeking new guidance.

In January 1999, a friend introduced me to Bob Proctor, an encounter that would alter the course of my life indefinitely. I had the privilege of meeting Bob four times that year—first in Los Angeles, then in Colorado Springs, followed by an encounter at Chicago Airport, and finally back in Los Angeles. By the fourth meeting, I had emerged from the depths of depression and was ready to embrace life anew.

Inspired by this transformative experience, I resolved to delve deeper into Bob’s teachings. In 2000, I attended a course in Las Vegas, marking the beginning of a journey that saw me attending courses with him annually. This journey culminated in 2008 when I became certified as a LifeSuccess Coach by Bob Proctor.

Bob’s influence on my teaching since arriving in the United States has been unparalleled. Even today, I continue to share the invaluable lessons he imparted to me, honoring his legacy and the profound impact he had on my life.


In Person Coaching

In Person Coaching

This is the perfect way to get coaching that cater to your individual needs. We can either do a Bob Proctor course together or we can make it totally tailored to your needs. All lesson are done either in person or using an online platform.

Lecture Coaching

Lectures/Group Coaching

If you a group that wants a lecture or presentation that can be either a PowerPoint presentation or a talking session. These lessons can be do either in person or using an online platform

Pre-Recorded program

Pre-Recorded Programs

Sign up for one of the pre-recorded programs. They go over the basic how-to principles and give you tools to change your life for the better. Each program goes over different aspect of the 6 pillars of health. Work on your self-improvement at your own time



"I definitely recommend Maja Servé as a professional life coach. She is more than a coach. She treated me like she would treat her own daughter.

I had postpartum depression after my first child. I wasn't feeling myself anymore.  

My husband knew Maja and booked a session for me. He told me, just give it a shot, since I was so pessimistic about having therapy or coaching sessions.

She got me under her wings and guided me through my journey. She is such a caring person and was there for me every moment I needed her. I was in a very bad situation and she helped me thrive. She knew  exactly what to do and how to talk to me so I would open up. Whithout her help, I wouldn't have survived. Her nonjudgemental approach helped me see things through another perspective and understanding the problem.

She also gave me valuable tools to deal with the problems in different situations.

To me, she is a Mama and I am so grateful and thankful to have her in my life. Thank you!"

Edit Hartoonians


Suneth Jayamanna

"If there was ever a sign that I didn't know how life worked, it was when Maja Servé was presented to my life at the time I needed help the most.

I was going through a terrible depression and was on the verge of quitting ballroom dancing after two thirds of my life was dedicated to it, something I loved to do, and then add to all that, having my wife saying she wanted to be with someone else from work. It was probably the worst time of my life. 

Maja came into my life rather incredibly. It's a story for another time. 

When she came into my life, she was able to tell me things I had always suspected but was too afraid to hear, in a way that wasn't frightening to hear. And told me things I needed to do in a way that didn't trigger my aversion to doing things I wasn't sure of the outcome of. It was very clear the path that laid ahead of me was up to me, and there were rules and patterns of how life worked, and once she laid it all out in a way that I knew deep down was true, it wasn't hard to follow.

Many before her tried to advise me on things not too different to what she said, but their advice seemed impossible to do, unreasonable in some instance, and not very helpful because the timing and sequence of events were not going to produce a smooth transition and I knew it would make things worse. How I know this is that I followed some of that advice.

Maja has a way of almost going to the end goal, the finish line, and talking you back from that point to where you are. She has seen the finish line, and she knows how to get you from where you are to where you want to be. I think this approach makes her incredibly effective. Therapists and mentors failed me because they weren't able to draw even a dotted line from where I was to where I wanted to be, because just like most prescription drugs, there were a ton of side-effects. You get results. You're cured. The fact that I don't have to talk to her every day or every week, or even every year, in order to have the best possible year every consecutive year since I got to know her, has been a testament to being helped by a true master. 

She has a way of changing the way you move forward with your life, such that you aren't dependent on her anymore. It's like learning to ride a bike. except that all mentors and therapists up to that point taught me to stick my fingers in the spokes and rotate the wheels and somehow try to climb the bike while my fingers were still rotating the wheels. it was greatly detrimental to my wellbeing and at no point in time would I have learned to ride a bike by myself. Maja has a gentle hand that guides you to get on the bike, and start moving, and allowing you to discover your balance, and your skills, and then utilizing them and developing them while you ride it. She will be right there with you, and you will feel her gentle voice and guidance as you learn to ride. Then you will ride faster and faster, only to turn around and see that Maja let go of the bike a long time ago and she's far away behind waving and encouraging you to keep going. And Maja's voice you were hearing right next to you as you were riding full speed? The voice full of encouragement and wisdom? Well, that was your inner voice. An inner self that has finally found its voice. 

I can honestly say that I never imagined life to be *this* good. It blows away anything I has seen in the movies or TV. I can't stress enough how much she improved my life. I introduced her to a few of my other friends who still say that she was the most impactful person in their lives, some of them who just met her for a few hours and some who worked with her longer. The best part is that some of them didn't even know their lives could be any better as they lacked the imagination to see what more it could be. Maja has seen it, and she can take anyone from where they are to places they lack the imagination to even conceive. It has been the most profound transformation of my life I could've ever prayed for, and I can't imagine what my life would have been had she not stepped in to guide me to what I didn't even know existed. 

Thank you Maja, and I hope anyone reading this won't take my word for it. Please try it. And let me know how it worked for you."

Suneth Jayamanna

Owner and Chief Consultant, Accuneth LLC

Lindsey Rutherford

"Maja has been a guiding light in my life since my teen years. Coaching me in my personal life, business and competitive career.

Her ability to give different perspectives and simple, easy to understand solutions is unparalleled. In addition, she give you tools and principles to live by and utilize in most every situation.

I am very thankful for what she has helped me achieve to this point and excited about what's to come"


Lindsey Rutherford


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